Cascade International Exhibition

Photographic Society of America (PSA) Recognition

This Exhibition and all its sections have been recognized by PSA and is conducted according to the latest Consolidated Exhibition Standards and Universal Practices recommended by the Photographic Society of America. Accepted entries are credited towards PSA 3DD Star Ratings and PSA 3DD Who's Who.

Cascade Stereoscopic Club began hosting its International Exhibition in 1998

One of the major activities of PSA is the establishment and implementation of a set of standards for the conduct of an International Exhibition of Photography. The Evolution of Exhibitions has been described in an article that was written as part of the celebration of PSA's 75th anniversary. This article provides a historical perspective for anyone considering entering an exhibition or hosting an exhibition.

Anyone can enter an International Exhibition of Photography. A single entry may consist of up to four images. All the images entered in the exhibition are judged and approximately 25% to 45% of the images entered are "accepted" to be presented in the exhibition and listed in the exhibition's catalog.

More information is available here: